The central part of the Brazilian
emblem consists
The coat of arms consists of the central emblem surrounded by coffee (Coffea arabica, at the left) and tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum, at the right) branches, which were important crops in Brazil at that time. In the blue circle in the center, the Southern Cross (Portuguese: Cruzeiro do Sul) can be seen.
The coat of arms consists of the central emblem surrounded by coffee (Coffea arabica, at the left) and tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum, at the right) branches, which were important crops in Brazil at that time. In the blue circle in the center, the Southern Cross (Portuguese: Cruzeiro do Sul) can be seen.
Motto: República Federativa do Brasil - 15 de Novembro de 1889 (Portuguese: 'Fed...
Supporters: A Mullet parted gyronny of ten Or and Vert, charged with a Sword in pale, ...
Armiger: Federative Republic of Brazil
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