The centre of the circle is (2αsinθ , sinθ) and it passes through the point (cosθ, -2αcosθ).
If the diameter of the circle is 2√5 units, find the value of α.
Here we can begin to see how Hitler as a young boy was overpowered by his father and confronted with a situation he could not control, except by controlling his own emotions and actions. Stone further suggests that Hitler's hatred for his father fueled his hatred of Jews, who, after his father died when Adolf was only fourteen, served as scapegoats for his residual fury. And, I would add, they served as a receptacle for the defensive projection of Hitler's shadow (see my prior post).
According to Murray, the adult Hitler was a "counteractive type," by which he meant a person primarily motivated by resentment and revenge in response to prior narcissistic wounding and profound feelings of inferiority. Pathological narcissism is in part a compensatory defense against these painful wounds and inferiority feelings. There is no question that Hitler's personality included pathological narcissism or what I have called psychopathic narcissism (see my prior post), and may have met modern diagnostic criteria for narcissistic personality disorder.
There are two types of twins – identical (monozygotic) and fraternal (dizygotic). To form identical twins, one fertilised egg (ovum) splits and develops two babies with exactly the same genetic information. ... Twins are more or less equally likely to be female or male.