the change in potential energy when a body of mass M is raised to height and r from the Earth's surface is R is the radius of Earth
The change in potential energy is 
I guess the question is :
The change in the gravitational potential energy when a body of mass m is raised to a height nR above the surface of the earth is (here, R is the radius of the earth)
We know that the gravitational potential energy of a body of mass m at a distance R from the centre of the Earth is given by
Therefore, the potential energy at a height nR from the surface of the Earth
Change in potential energy
From gravitation, we also know that
Acceleration due to gravity is given by
Hope this answer is helpful.
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Q: A body of mass m is taken to a height kR from the surface of the earth very slowly, R being the radius of the earth. Find the change in gravitational Potential Energy in this process.
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We known that
Potential energy = mgh/1+h/r
=mgnR/1+nR/R (h=nR)
=(mgnR) R/R(1+n)