The character sketch of the characters of the miracle merchant?Give me a charactestickof sturridge of miracle merchant.
hi, here is your answer+*='$":'::?/'?============≠===============/=/=/
summary of miracle merchant.
Mrs beauwhistle and louis live in the same house so is there butler sturridge,
louis wanted lend fifteen pounds from his aunt but unfortunately his aunt mrs.beauwhistle didnt have no end of extra expenses lately.
while there conversation was going on mrs beauwhistle said about dora and janes coming over but louis knew about there fight. Mrs beauwhistle didnt know about it she was worried at the same time .she didnt want her guest to feel like she is fanning flame .
louis made him self to show miracle and do something for 20 pounds.
alas,louis does his work but at last he found out that dora already have turned off her plan
plz mark it
a. Louis- Idle young man, selfish, greedy, clever, charming, a good story teller
and good at telling tales
b. Jane Martlet- is in the habit of staying a fortnight in a guest’s house – a
social parasite, a foodie, not friendly and sociable, gullible – easily believes what
Louis tells her, has the ability to reason logically, not easily coerced into doing
c. Sturridge- sincere, obedient, dutiful, innocent, loyal and trustworthy