English, asked by krish12664, 6 months ago

The Chart shows the division of household tasks by gender in Great Britain. Write an analytical paragraph describing the chart given in not more than 200 words.​



Answered by wajahatkincsem


The chart shows the ratio of the tasks performed by different genders in Great Britain.


  • The graph shows that most women spend their time doing household tasks such as cooking, cleaning, and wishing clothes.
  • Children spend most of their time playing games and gardening activities.
  • While men spend their time mostly on jobs or taking care of their pets and gardening.  

Answered by dulasparipatel


gender biasness has been existing in the society since time moral within this base household duties come under the responsibility of the females however with changing time slowly and gradually the effect of the basic is reducing the given charts show the number of minut pade sent by British men and women in green household taxes not so surprisingly it was found that women spend about 4 hours doing household taxes whereas the men spend less than two and half hours the taxes on which women spend more time than men include cooking cleaning houses taking care of the children's and land laundry women spend approximately 200 minutes doing her household duties mens pant 49.5 in doing taxes like a gardening and pet care and 26 Minions in maintenance of old job in the house while the women spend only 21 minutes for gardening and pet care and 9.5 minutes in maintenance of old job the number missing frightening but it is much better from the ancient tales of our grandmother who were burdened with the entire household responsibilities.

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