The chief purpose of assessing childrens learning and progress is to identify children who are intelligent and those who are weak true or false and why please reason
The assessment of young children's development and learning has recently taken on new importance. Private and government organizations are developing programs to enhance the school readiness of all young children, especially children from economically disadvantaged homes and communities and children with special needs.
Well-planned and effective assessment can inform teaching and program improvement, and contribute to better outcomes for children. This book affirms that assessments can make crucial contributions to the improvement of children's well-being, but only if they are well designed, implemented effectively, developed in the context of systematic planning, and are interpreted and used appropriately. Otherwise, assessment of children and programs can have negative consequences for both. The value of assessments therefore requires fundamental attention to their purpose and the design of the larger systems in which they are used.
False. The chief of purse of learning is to identify the leaning difficulties in certain content of skill which the child finds difficult to answer or would have answer wrong. It is purely not to segregate them as intelligent and weak.
- Assessment mostly appear to be the tool which provides a huge information about the child's learning needs and it also provides information to the teachers to re-modify their content deliverance according to the needs of the child.
- They can use the information of the assessments to determine the next step in both the teaching and learning.
- The education review tribunal can advise the schools about the learning areas in which the educational outcome is below the par.
To know more:
Meaning of assessment and its importance in education
Explain the purpose of assessment in social science at elementary level