Biology, asked by prathanaprincess28, 1 year ago

the circulatory system comprises of the heart blood in blood vessels which circulate blood through the body by helping in the transport of Nutrition Oxygen and Carbon dioxide

explain this in easy manner​


Answered by ponagantiyakobu1112


circulacatory system is connective for heart ❤ it sends blood to our nerve ststem ji

Answered by tamal94


The right ventricle pumps blood to the lungs via two pulmonary arteries the blood flows through capillaries in the lungs it IIT unloads co2 and load up o2

the auto rich blood then flows back to the left atrium via the pulmonary vein next the oxygen rich blood flow from the left atrium into the left ventricle the left ventricle pump the blood to all body organ through systematic circuit oxygen rich blood leave the left ventricle through the Avatar the avatar is our largest blood vessel several large artery branch from the avatar and lead to the upper body the the outer then comes down behind the heart and more arteries branching from it supply blood to abdominal organ and the lower body for simply figure does not show the individual organ but within each one artery carry the blood into arterials which is turn convey 82 capillaries the capillaries resign as venules which carry the blood back into veins oxygen poor blood from the upper body and the head is channeled into a large when called superior vena cevaanother large when the inferior vena caval drinks blood from the lower body that true keva meet the blood into the right atrium as the blood flows from the right atrium into the right ventricle it completes its centre journey

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