The cities of pune , Ahmednagar and Shirur are in a Straight line on one road The distance between pune and Ahmednagar is 120 km and between shirur and Ahmednagar is 5okm . And the distance between pune and shirur is 70km. So which city is between which two cities?
shirur is between Ahmednagar and Pune
Given : three cities Pune, Ahmednagar and shirur on the Straight Highway The distance between Pune and Ahmednagar is 120km.
The distance between Shirur and Ahmednagaris 50 km ,
distance between Pune and Shirur is 70km.
To find : which city in between two the cities
Three points in straight line
B is in Middle if AB + BC = AC
Distance between Pune and Ahmednagar is 120km.
Distance between Shirur and Ahmednagar is 50 km ,
Distance between Pune and Shirur is 70km.
120 = 50 + 70
Shirur is in between Pune and Ahmednagar
PUNE -- 70 km -- Shirur --- 50 km --- Ahmednagar
--------------- 120 km ---------------
Shirur is in between Pune and Ahmednagar
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