the clever donkey story
One day a farmer’s donkey fell down into the old dry well at the back of his farm.While the farmer tried to figure out what to do, the donkey began crying. The crying turned into non-stop braying.
It became so overwhelming, you could feel the animal’s fear and desperation as it begged for help.
the donkey stepped up and out, over the edge of the well shook the final clumps of dirt off his back and walked over to the farmer who greeted him with tears, love and smiles.The moral of the story: From time to time life is going to shovel some dirt on you.All kinds of dirt, in fact. And sometimes, that dirt is going to feel like it’s piling up so deep and so high it feels like you’re going to collapse underneath the weight of it all.The trick to getting out of the well isn’t to fight the dirt, or stop the dirt, or to turn the dirt into gold. You have no control over these things, and all that’s going to do is take away your energy and frustrate you even more, leading you into more desperation.The thing to do is what the old donkey did. Shake it off and take a step up.
Got Dirt? The New Year is bound to toss some dirt your way – it’s your choice as to what to do with it. I hope you take the step up too.
No animals were harmed in the telling of this story.
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