The clock cycle grouping in the fetch cycle could?
the clock cycle grouping in the fetch cycle could?
The clock cycle grouping in the fetch cycle could the address stored in the PC is copied into the memory address register (MAR) during the fetch stage, and the PC is then incremented to "point" to the memory address of the next instruction to be executed.
Fetch cycle:
The address next instruction's is in PC.
MRA address (MAR) is assigned to address bus
t1: MAR ← (PC) Control unit Clock Signals of control
Control unit problems The READ command
The result (memory data) is displayed on the data bus. Data from the data bus is copied into the MBR (memory)
t2: MBR ← (memory)
PC increased by one (in parallel with data fetch from memory)
PC ←(PC) +1
Data (instruction) was transferred from MBR to IR (MBR)
t3 IR ← (MBR)
MBR is now available for additional data fetches.