English, asked by sb22467, 5 months ago

The clouds (0) ______(come) up from nowhere. The sea (1) ______(turn) choppy and the boat (2)______(start) to roll. We (3) ______(be) more than four nautical miles from the shore. The oil we had (4)______(be) just enough to last us until the shore, in calm waters. The extra fuel (5) ______(burn) in navigating through the crests and troughs of the waves meant that we (6)______(be) in real danger of being (7)______(strand) out at sea. The single engine motor of the boat just (8) ______(have) a single throttle level.


Answered by brishtibhagwani


0. came

1. turned

2. started

3. were

4. was

5. burnt

6. were

7. stranded

8. had

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