The Coastal Area
Write about it's position, demography, resources, ecological balance, Species of interest (Endemic, Endangered, Rare species, extinct or Vulnerable, natural disasters
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zoology, and other topics that relate to the...
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Alternative Title: loss of biodiversity
Biodiversity loss, also called loss of biodiversity, a decrease in biodiversity within a species, an ecosystem, a given geographic area, or Earth as a whole. Biodiversity, or biological diversity, is a term that refers to the number of genes, species, individual organisms within a given species, and biological communities within a defined geographic area, ranging from the smallest ecosystem to the global biosphere. (A biological community is an interacting group of various species in a common location.) Likewise, biodiversity loss describes the decline in the number, genetic variability, and variety of species, and the biological communities in a given area. This loss in the variety of life can lead to a breakdown in the functioning of the ecosystem where decline has happened