Science, asked by timalsinarupesh1, 4 months ago

The cocon of a salk
Farmers keep the silkmoth's eggs at cold places in winter
Honey bees are vital pollinators
wower the following questions
Why is the silkworm called a useful insect?
List any two characteristics of silk.
How many times does the larva of a silkworm moult?
Din which phase of larva does the larva produce silk thread
What do farmers do silkmoth eggs when mulberry leaves are not available
Write any two points to show the economic importance of silkworm
8. In which stage of its life cycle does a silkworm begin to produce silk thread
Name two types of silkworms reared in Nepal. What food are they fed in?
What is sericulture? Justify the statement "rearing silk upgrades the eco
h. What is a cocoon? What is metamorphosis?
Name the silkworms that are fed on mulberry leaves.
k. Draw the figure to explain the life cycle of a silkworm.
condition of individuals and the nation".
m. What is chrysalis? In which stage of silkworm can we obtain silk thread
How can we obtain silk from a cocoon?
0. Write in brief about the queen bee with a neat and labeled diagram.


Answered by laxmanradawas6





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