The coefficient of x^3 and x^4 are equal in the expansion of (3+kx).Fomd k
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The coefficient of x^3 is four times the coefficient of x^2 in the expansion of (1+x) ^n. Find the value of n. I appreciate any form of help.
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Nikhil Sengupta, studied at Singapore American School
Answered Jul 7, 2017
A slightly complicated, yet interesting way to solve this question is by using Pascal’s Triangle.

Pascal’s Triangle lists the coefficient of all the terms in a binomial expansion. For example, when n is 2, the binomial
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Nikhil Sengupta, studied at Singapore American School
Answered Jul 7, 2017
A slightly complicated, yet interesting way to solve this question is by using Pascal’s Triangle.

Pascal’s Triangle lists the coefficient of all the terms in a binomial expansion. For example, when n is 2, the binomial
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