The complex chemical compounds exhibiting antimicrobial activity are known as
An antibiotic is an antimicrobial chemical substance that is known to be active against bacteria and they are the one of the most important types of antibacterial agent that fight bacterial infections.
The mode of action of antibiotics is that they either stop the growth of bacteria or they may kill the bacteria called as bacteriostatic and bactericidal respectively. Antibiotics are not effective against viruses such as influenza or cold.
Example: Amoxicillin, Penicillin etc.
Antibiotics generally refer to the chemical compounds that are naturally produced by certain microbes against certain bacterial infections.
The first antibiotic that was discovered is the penicillin.
Over time, this term has been made to include chemically modified and synthetically produced antibacterial compounds.
Antibiotics are effective only against bacteria and not against viruses.
Generally, viral infections are self-limiting, i.e, the infection after running its due course dies down on its own.
When taking an antibiotic treatment, one should completely take the course of medicines else it may to lead to the causative bacteria developing resistance against these antibiotics.
Such resistance is called antibiotic resistance.
Some popular antibiotics are penicillin, ampicillin etc."