The conceited python Question and answer
Q1. Where and from whom did Grandfather buy the python?
A1. Grandfather bought the python from a snake charmer in the bazaar .
Q2. Why was the gathering at the bazaar impressed by Grandfather?
A2. The gathering was impressed by Grandfather because the python was
over his shoulders while walking home with it .
Q3. Why could the python not be left out in the garden ?
A3. The python could not be left out in the garden because from the garden it
find its way into poultry house.
Q4. How did they discover that the python has escaped from the bathroom ?
A4. They discovered that the python had escaped from the bathroom because
they couldn’t
find it anywhere.
Q5. Where did Aunt Mable encounter the python first ? How did she describe the
python ?
A5. Aunt Mable encountered the python first on the guava tree, she described
that it was
staring at her as it would eat her alive.
Q6. What according to Grandfather made the snake conceited ?
A6. According to Grandfather all the attention he was getting ,had probably
made the snake
conceited .
Q7. How was the python caught ? What happened to it
Conceited python Question and answer:
1.Where and from whom did Grandfather purchase the python?
Grandfather paid a snake charmer in the bazaar six rupees for the python.
2.Why did Grandfather make an impression on the bazaar crowd?
The python was slung over Grandfather's shoulders as he made his way home, which impressed the audience.
3.What did Grandmother think of the python?
When Grandmother saw the python wrapped around Grandfather's neck, she almost passed out. She didn't intend to get used to the python and requested him to get rid of it right now.
4. Someone soon arrived at the narrator's grandparents' house.
The following day, Aunt Mabel began her three-week visit at their house.
5.Why couldn't the python be left outside in the garden?
The python could not be left unattended in the garden since it might enter the chicken coop from there.