the concept of omnis cellula e cellula was told by
Rudolf Virchow
Every cell arise from pre existing cells
Hey brainly user!
Here is your answer .........
The concept of omnis cellula e cellula was told by
✴Rudolf Virchow (1855) First explained that cells divided and new cells are formed from the pre existing cells (Omnis cellula e cellula)
✴ He modified the hypothesis of Schleidon and Schwann to give the cell theory a final shape cell theory as we understand today
Additional information :
◼M. Schelidon (1838) a German botanist, examined a large number of plants and observed that all plants are composed of different kinds of cells which form the tissues of plants
◼ T. Schwann (1839) ,a British zoologist, studied different types of animal cells and reported that cells had a thin outer layer which is today known as the plasma membrane
◼ He also concluded, based on his studies on plant cells that the presence of cell wall is a unique character of plant cells
◼ On the basis of this Schwann proposed the hypothesis that the bodies of animal and plant are composed of cells and product of the cells
◼ Schelidon and Schwann together formulated cell theory. This theory however did not explain as to how new cells were formed
◼ Later Rudolf Virchow given the cell theory a perfect shape and modified their hypothesis which is understood today
◼ RUDOLF Virchow Great work and cell theory made scientist to know about different organelles and cell organelles function
◼ Different functions in cell like mitochondria, chloroplasts, lysomes, nucleus... etc are know today
◼ Cell division such as mitosis and meiosis are also known today