The condition in which the production of thyroxine increases?
The release of too much thyroxine in the bloodstream is known as thyrotoxicosis. This may be caused by overactivity of the thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism), as in Graves' disease, inflammation of the thyroid or a benign tumour.
Thyroxine is a hormone released by Thyroid gland which is an endocrine gland. It releases thyroxine directly into the bloodstream. But when the release thyroxine hormone more than its actual need, it is known as Thyrotoxicoisis.
When does this occurs?
This condition may take place when there is abnormalities in the thryoid gland like inflammation or enlargement of the thyroid gland during Grave's disease. Sometimes this occurs due to thyroid cancer and benign tumour.
Other results or signs:
This can cause the swelling near the neck which is known as Hypothyroidism Goitre. For avoiding such situation, sea food and iodised salt should be taken in the right amount because it contains the mineral Iodine which is responsible for the proper functioning of Thyroid gland.