English, asked by kadithya762, 6 months ago

the conversation between tenali and raja in chapter tenali paint a horse


Answered by mmirzaakrambeig


One day, Raja Krishna Devaraya and his courtiers watch as an artist shows his paintings to the Raja. The Raja and most of his courtiers look impressed with the paintings. However, one of the courtiers, Tenali Rama, looks displeased.

Artist: - your highness is very kind. It will be an honor to paint for you.

King: - that is really a beautiful one. I can almost feel the peace of the village. You are a very talented artist. Here is a bag of gold for you. We shall be very pleased if you can stay on at our court and make more beautiful paintings like these.

Tenali Rama: - I do not think they are such good painting at all!

King; - how can you say that? I think they are perfectly lovely.

Tenali Rama: - for one thing where is the other side to these two men? You can only see their right side. For another, where is the face of that cow?

King- what an ignorant fool you are! Everything cannot be painted. You have to imagine the bites that are missing.

Tenali ram- I bet I can paint better that that, well, I could if I had the paints.

King- I bet you a bag of gold that you can’t. I will give you the paints and the paper. You may also take leave from court for a month and if at the end of the month you bring me a painting that is half as good as the ones we saw today I promise you a bag of gold and the title king of Artists!

Tenali Rama- I agree. After a month I will show you a better painting than that artist’s.

The courtiers are listening to all this, start smiling and sniggering behind their hands. They know Tenali Rama cannot paint at all. Tenali looks angrily at the giggling countries and walks out.

I. Man: - You have really caught him out. Sir, he thanks he’s smarter than anyone else.

II. Man: - he has really painted himself into a corner. I’d like to see him get out of that one.

King: - I wouldn’t be too certain that he cannot. He really is very clever.

The courtiers wait eagerly for Tenali to bring in his painting as the month is over. They are smiling and whispering to each other.

King- so what do we have for today?

Others- sir, today is the day Tenali Rama shows you his painting.

King- then where is he? It’s late and almost time for my lunch.

Some one- perhaps he is so busy with his masterpiece that he has lost track of the days.

Next one- perhaps his painting is so good that can’t bear to part with it.

King- well, we can’t wait anymore. Somebody should go to his house and tell him that he has lost his bet and the bag of gold.

Some one- it’s only fair that if he doesn’t make good his boast he should pay a penalty. I feel he should pay the court a bag of gold.

Next one: - indeed, yes. I agree, sir. That he should.

Other: - ah, there he is. He seems to have brought it. But see, it is covered with a cloth.

Tenali comes in followed by two men holding a covered painting.

On Tenali Ram’s request, the Raja lifts the painting to display an empty canvas with a few curved strokes of black on the right –hand edge with a few wisp of green at the bottom below it.

Tenali Ram: - good after noon, sir. See what a beautiful horse I have drawn. It’s a magnificent black stallion with a white star on its forehead. Look at the polished leather saddle on it. Ha. I wonder if should have the reins trail like that?

King- what is this? I cannot see a horse. This is very insulting. You are trying to make a fool of me. There is nothing on this canvas.

Tenali Ram- well, you were the one who told me that you have to use your imagination when you look at paintings. Imagine that the rest of the horse is just outside the canvas grazing at some lush green grass. Look, you can see the edge of its tail in that corner.

King- you old rascal, you have got the better of me. Minister, where is that bag of gold? Give it to Tenali Ram, the cleverest of my ministers.

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