The Coorgis are thousands of miles away from their origin, Greek or Arab. Yet they carry on their unique values, customs and practices. Does this make them appreciable to you? Justify. c. You know that everybody drinks tea everyday in India. It vanishes our sleep and makes us feel fresh. Describe the 'Importance of tea in India'.
For time immemorial, it has been an Indian cultural tradition. Indians have an affair with tea in the evenings too. Sips of tea are like breaths of energy and freshness for menfolk after their return from work in the evening. They hit the couch with cups of tea and shed weariness by drinking this hot beverage.
Today all people drink tea every day in India. But the quantity of tea differs from person to person. Life in an Indian house starts with a refreshing cup of tea. India has now surpassed China in tea production. India is one of the largest tea producers in the world. 70 per cent of its tea is consumed within India. Assam and Darjeeling produced world-renowned tea. Tea became widely popular in India during the 1950s Tea industry is the second-largest employer in the country. It is grown in many states in India. Tea plants need shade to grow in a humid climate. It is a labour oriented industry. Tea has a number of medical and therapeutic properties.