English, asked by diptit001, 4 months ago

The Corona outbreak has created a havoc in and around the

world. Now and then, awareness campaigns are being carried out by

the Govt of India, yet some people of your colony are creating a lot of

nuisance in your locality like strolling in the bazaar without masks,

not maintaining social distancing, chatting in groups,etc .Write a

letter to the editor of “The Hindu” about the carelessness of your

colony people.You are Kumar Pritam/Prita Kumari, a resident of B-

16, Kailash Colony, Shastri Vihar,New Delhi.​


Answered by topwriters

Letter to Editor of Hindu



Prita Kumari

B-16, Kailash Colony,

Shastri Vihar,

New Delhi - 1


The Editor

The Hindu

New Delhi.


    Sub: Coronovirus Awareness and safety measures

We are in a difficult situation worldwide due to the pandemic situation. It is important that we stay informed and positive to tide over the COVID-19 period. Unfortunately, we find that lots of misinformation is being spread about the disease and its cure in many social media and other online platforms. Statistics is misinterpreted leading to panic among the public.

As a popular daily, I request that we create awareness among the people that everything we find online is not true. People should be educated about the seriousness of the disease and made aware about the precautions we need to take. They should understand that strolling in the bazaar without masks, not maintaining social distancing, chatting in groups, etc. is not cool but rather irresponsible. It can make them sick, as well as infect other people around them. I'm sure you can reach the public and create this awareness effectively. Kindly consider my request.

Thanking you.

Yours Sincerely,

Prita Kumari

6 Oct 2020


Answered by Anonymous

Letter to the editor of about non-seriousness of people.


Kailash Colony,

Shastri Vihar,

New Delhi.

7 September 2020.

The Editor,

The Hindu,

New Delhi.

Subject - Non-seriousness of people regarding COVID-19.


This letter holds concern against people's behaviour regarding globally spread COVID-19. With a number of instructions and warnings from the government, against the deadly virus, people are still taking it lightly.

In our locality, almost 90% of the population can be seen roaming around in markets, without masks. People are also seen forming groups without following social distancing.

This careless behaviour can cost other's health. People should follow the guidelines until they get vaccinated.

Thank you,

Yours truly,

Prita Kumari.

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