Math, asked by yogeshjha987, 6 months ago

The cost of one phone is Rs. 1300 and the sale price is Rs. 2000. If the phone is not sold, then

the loss per unsold set is Rs. 300. How many mobile phone sets should be stocked to expect

maximum profit?​


Answered by amitnrw

Given : The cost of one phone is Rs. 1300 and the sale price is Rs. 2000. If the phone is not sold, then  the loss per unsold set is Rs. 300  

To Find : How many mobile phone sets should be stocked to expect  maximum profit?​


Demand (units) 10       11          12        13       14

Probability       0.10     0.10    0.25     0.40  0.15

S = in Stocks

D = demand

Conditional Profit =      700 * S     if D ≥ S

                                     700 *D  - 300* (S - D) = 1000D - 300S    if D < S

D   Probability       Profit as per Stock            

                          10               11             12            13              14              

10      0.1         7000         6700        6400       6100       5800      

11       0.1          7000        7700         7400       7100       6800  

12      0.25       7000        7700         8400       8100       7800    

13       0.4         7000       7700         8400        9100      8800    

14      0.15         7000        7700         8400       9100       9800

Expected profit by multiplying with corresponding probabilities  

Stock = 10

7000 (0.1 + 0.1 + 0.25 + 0.4 + 0.15) = 7000

Stock 11

6700 * 0.1 +    7700 ( 0.1 + 0.25 + 0.4 + 0.15)   = 7600

Stock 12  

6400 * 0.1  + 7400 * 0.1 + 8400 (0.25 + 0.4 + 0.15) = 8100

Stock 13  

6100 * 0.1  + 7100 * 0.1 + 8100* 0.25  + 9100( 0.4 + 0.15) = 8350

Stock 14  

5800 * 0.1  + 6800 * 0.1 + 7800* 0.25  + 8800* 0.4 + 9800* 0.15) = 8200

Profit is maximum when Stock = 13

He should stock 13 Mobile to expect maximum profit


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