English, asked by madinapathan487, 7 months ago

The crayons at last realize that each one of them was.​


Answered by jahanvisharma2910200


When I think about diversity, a picture of the color wheel pops into my head. Sir Isaac Newton invented the color wheel when he performed an experiment with a prism and discovered pure white light contains the full spectrum of colors. Scientists have continued to study the components of color for its physical, psychological and philosophical effects. Why is color so important?

Color is the most diverse and fluid element I can imagine. When you really give it some thought, there is an infinite combination of colors that create the diversity in a color wheel. There are primary colors (red, yellow, and blue) secondary colors (primary plus orange, green, and purple) and tertiary colors (primary, secondary plus yellow green, green yellow, blue green, green blue, red blue, blue red, yellow red, and red yellow. The more we mix, the more colors we can produce. This diversity is what makes art so interesting and no two painting could ever be the same even if the same artist painted them at the very same time.

We cannot talk about the diversity of color without including color harmony. Harmony is the pleasing arrangements of parts, whether music, color or poetry and is pleasing to the eye. Color harmony delivers a visual interest to the viewer causing the brain to see a logical structure and a sense of order. Color can be used in many different ways. Analogous colors are 3-4 colors next to each other on the color wheel, while complementary colors are complete opposites on the color wheel.

Color context is how color behaves in relation to other colors and shapes. Red will appear more brilliant against a black background and appear duller against a white background. There are different meanings that colors have or evoke in one persons mind. For example, red appears to be the most extreme and powerful color, while yellow can be happiness. What would happen if we removed the color blue from our lives? What color would the water, sky and sea become? What if we removed the color of people and painted everyone the same color? I think it would make a pretty boring world if everyone were the same color. We should embrace differences and see people as the color wheel of diversity, a vision of equality where every color is beautiful.

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