English, asked by ooOOooTanyaooOOoo, 1 day ago

The creepiest thing that's ever happened while you were alone?​


Answered by avishkarrs555

My brother and I were home from school because we were sick. We had a craftroom in the mostly unfinished basement and we were down there playing with miniatures. Around noon we heard, VERY CLEARLY, the front door unlock, open, close, and someone walk in shoes across the foyer tile to the kitchen and turn on the sink. They then turned off the sink and went up the stairs to the second floor. I figured it was my step dad and called my mum to let her know he came home for lunch.

She had just got off the phone with my step dad and he was in his office at work. She called him back and he came ripping home while we hid in the basement. Although we never heard the person come back down the stairs we didn't find anyone in the house.

Answered by kingvo


My old house was just creepy. There are no other words to describe it. There are three occasions I'll tell you about.

"Situation 1: It's about midnight. The kids and I are woken up by noises in the basement. (Yes they were still sleeping in bed with my husband and I at that point) I tell my husband it sounds like someone is in the house and to go check it out. We continue to hear doors opening and closing, and it sounds like stuff is getting thrown around. We don't have guns... or a dog, or any way to defend ourselves against an intruder. So, I do what any grown woman would do and call my dad. He has 20+ years military experience and a hefty gun collection. So I have my husband sneak out of our room and unlock the door for my dad to come in. Then we all hide in my bedroom with the door locked. Anyway... as you may have figured, the house was completely empty and there was no sign anyone had even been in the house at all.

"Situation 2: Get home late after a long day at work. It's 2 am, and my husband is asleep on the couch and the kids are asleep in a pile of blankets on the floor next to him. So I decide to take a bath and relax and unwind before heading to bed myself. While I'm in the tub someone starts pounding on the door and wiggling the doorknob. I figure it's my 4 year old out because sometimes she sleepwalks when she has to pee, so I hop out of the tub so I can open the door and get her on the toilet before she has an accident. When I open the door no one is there. No one is in the hallway. I grab my towel and walk to the living room and everyone is still right where I left them. All still asleep.

"Situation 3. It's bedtime again. I am sitting in my bed talking to my daughter getting her ready for sleep. All of the sudden she starts crying hysterically and hiding in me. Was she hurt? What the hell was wrong? Does she need to go to the ER? I was worried and she wouldn't tell me what was wrong, but she was terrified of something. Finally, she looks up at me and says, "He's standing right there." and points to an empty corner. "Who is standing right there?" 'The man

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