English, asked by Tamay77777, 7 months ago

The current pandemic situation is unprecedented and potentially devastating at multiple levels. It may turn out to be a generation-defining event. Fear is naturally turning to panic. However, we’ll have to recognise the need to stay calm. Being positive, while staying fully vigilant and following all necessary guidelines, is the key to effectively working our way through any crisis. Write a diary entry expressing your views about the current situation in 100-120 words. TAKE YOUR TIME AND ANSWER !


Answered by agrippa

Dear Diary,

I have never even imagined that I will witness an event that is going to have a lasting impact on humanity. Although I have read about numerous plague outbreaks during medieval times but the current situation is very different.

Currently, more than 213 countries around the world are affected with COVID-19. Scientists believe that it started from Wuhan in China, some countries also claim that it was deliberately created by Chinese scientists, but we do not know the truth yet.

Even in our country metropolitan cities like New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and chennai have emerged as the hotspots of the disease. Every day more than 15000 COVID cases are being detected across the country. The health infrastructure is under tremendous pressure.

The virus has changed everything, people cannot gather freely, hug their dear ones or shake hands with their friends.

I know that times are tough but we need to stay strong, follow all the guidelines issued by the government and leave the rest upto God. Humans are resilient and I am sure that we will will the battle against the virus, the way we have emerged victories from numerous plague outbreaks during the medieval times.

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