the data on religion wise division of 1080 workers of factory are given below
Step-by-step explanation:
⊙ The data on religion wise division of 1080 workers of a factory are given above:
⊙ Represent the above data by a pie chart.
⊙ We know that,
⊙ Total number of workers =1080
⊙ By using the formula,
⊙ Central angle of component = ((value of the component) / Total value) ×360∘
⊙ So, the calculations are
⊙ Religion ⊙ Number of workers ⊙ Central angle
Hindu 450 (450/1080)×360∘=150∘
Muslim 270 (270/1080)×360∘=90∘
Sikh 255 (255/1080)×360∘=80∘
Christan 105 (105/1080)×360∘=35∘
∴ we can represent the above data in pie chart as shown in figure.

Step-by-step explanation:
⊙ We know that,
⊙ Total number of workers =1080
⊙ By using the formula,
⊙ Central angle of component = ((value of the component) / Total value) ×360∘
⊙ So, the calculations are
⊙ Religion ⊙ Number of workers ⊙ Central angle
Hindu 450 (450/1080)×360∘=150∘
Muslim 270 (270/1080)×360∘=90∘
Sikh 255 (255/1080)×360∘=85°
Christan 105 (105/1080)×360∘=35∘
Hence, we can represent the above data in pie chart.