‘The dear departed’ is a satire on modern society which is devoid of moral values and full of insensitive, greedy and pretentious people. Comment.(100-120 words)
(Class 10 ENGLISH COMMUNICATIVE Sample Question Paper)
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Through the portrayal of various characters in the play ‘The dear departed’ the playwright comments on modern day society that is devoid of moral values. It exposes the menace of children who considered year old parents nothing more than an unwanted burden. Most people have become insensitive. They possesses ingratitude towards others. This insensitivity is found more towards the elderly people. Old parents and grandparents are treated as a burden and everyone wishes them to depart from this world. People like Amelia and Elizabeth are more concerned about how did she appear rather than shedding a tear on the loss of one who had spent his life bringing them up. They are materialistic and possessive in their attitude and behaviour. The elder daughter is worried about collecting all good things that her father possessed before her younger sister arrives. Mrs Slater’s the daughter is so insensitive that she does not bother to call another doctor to confirm whether her father has really died. The Other daughter even after her arrival does not want to see her that father she is so insensitive and materialistic.
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