the denominator of a fraction is 3 more than the numerator. if 5 is added to both parts,the resulting fraction is equivalent to 4/5. find the fraction
Given that if 5 is added to both parts the resulting will be 4/5.
x + 5/x + 8 = 4/5
5x + 25 = 4x + 32
x = 7.
Then the denominator will be x + 3 = 7 + 3 = 10
The fraction is 7/10.
In mathematics, fractions are used to represent whole percentages / parts. It represents the same part of the whole. Fractions have two parts: the numerator and the denominator. The upper number is called the numerator and the lower number is called the denominator. The numerator defines the number of equal parts and the denominator defines the total number of equal parts in total
We have given that the denominator of a fraction is 3 more than the numerator and when 5 is added to both parts, the resulting fraction is equivalent to 4/5 .
We are asked to find the fraction
Let a numerator of a fraction be x and denominator be y
Then , fraction will be .
According to the first statement i.e denominator is 3 more than that numerator that means ...(1)
According to the second statement if 5 is added to both parts then , fraction becomes equals to 4/5 .
Then , numerator will be and denominator will be .
Fraction will be
On cross multiplication, we get
Putting value of y from equation (1) in above equation, , we get
Putting x = 7 in equation, , we get
Hence , the fraction is .
Therefore, the fraction is 7 / 10.