The denominator of a fraction is one less than three times its numerator. On adding one to the fraction becomes 1/3. Find the fraction.
Let numerator be x
denominator be y
y=3x-1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - equation 1
x/y + 1 =1/3 - - - - - - - - - - - equation 2
Substitute y in equation 2
x/3x-1 +1 =1/3
x+3x-1 =3x-1/3
3x+9x-3 =3x-1
9x =2
y=3*2/9 - 1
the fraction =x/y
Please mark it as a brainliest answer
The given question is The denominator of a fraction is one less than three times its numerator. On adding one to the fraction becomes 1/3.
we have to find the fraction.
In the fraction let the numerator be x and the denominator be y.
The general expression (fraction)for the given question is
If the denominator is one less than 3 times it's numerator means 3x-1.which is y
y= 3x-1.
On adding 1 to the fraction becomes
On substituting the value of y in the above equation we get the value as
The value of x is
substitute the value of x in y=3x-1.
Therefore, the fraction
Therefore, the final answer is
# spj2