Chemistry, asked by mallepallisreeram, 7 months ago

The diagonal relationship phenomenon is not observed after​


Answered by St08


Thus, the chemistry of Li has similarities to that of Mg, the chemistry of Be has similarities to that of Al, and the chemistry of B has similarities to that of Si. These are called diagonal relationships. (It is not as noticeable after B and Si.) ... Mg, as well as other Group 2 elements, also form nitrides.


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Answered by vinod04jangid


written below-


A diaaonal relationship is said to exist between certain pairs of daigonally adjacent elements in the second and third periods (first 20 elements) of theperiodic table. These pairs (Iithium (LD and maanesium (Ma). Theoraanization of elements on the periodic table into horizontal rows andvertical columns makes certain relationships more apparent (periodic law).Moving rightward and descending the periodic table have opposite effectson atomic radii of isolated atoms. Moving rightward across the perioddecreases the atomic radii of atoms, while moving down the group willincrease the atomic radii both Li and Mg conduct electricity very well. Theyare strong and shiny. They form alkaline solutions when mixed with water`.


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