The Diary of Anne Frank' is a work of an insightful mind of a young girl explain
An insightful mind is quite perceptive and observant. Anne Frank had quite an insightful mind. Her diary entries are exceedingly vivid and comprehensive. Such vivid and comprehensive descriptions could only be written by an insightful mind. Anne Frank has recorded all her experiences, feelings, thoughts, and incidents with the skills and expertise of an accomplished writer.
Hence, it can be said Anne Frank really had a very insightful mind.
Answer:The diary of Anne Frank is all about the musings of a thirteen years old schoolgirl. It is a work of insightful mind of a young girl named Anne.
Anne had no friends. She claimed that paper possesses more patience than humans. So she recorded the various incidents of her short lived life in Her diary named kitty.
Such an extraordinary writing can be written by a insightful mind only.
Moreover her diary became so famous that every one across the world rook interest in the musings of a young girl