the difference between the place value and face value of 8 in 5832
The place value of 8 in 658742 is 8000 and face value of 8 in 658742 is 8. Thus the difference of place value and face value of 8 in the number 658742 is 7992.
In the number system the place is defined as the position of the digits in the numbers such as one, tens, hundreds, thousands etc. For example the place value of 4 is the number 3546 is tens. And the count is taken from the right towards the left. Whereas the face value of any digits in the number is equal to the value of the digit itself.
The given number is 5832
We have to calculate the difference of the place value from the face value of the digit 8.
Since, the given number is 5832.
Therefore from analysing the given number we see that the 8 is at the place of hundreds, i.e. the place value of 8 is 800. And the face value is 8 itself.
Hence the difference = place value - face value
= 800 - 8
= 792
Hence the difference of place value from the face value is 792.