the digits of the prime number 13 can be reversed to get another prime number 31. Finding any such pairs exist up to 100.
17 and 71 and 37 and 73 and 79 and 97 are such pairs where digits of prime number are reversed to get another prime number
A prime number is a whole number greater than 1 whose only factors are 1 and itself.
Given that we have to find prime numbers upto 100 where the digits of prime number are reversed to get another prime number
Example pair given is : 13 and 31
Here both 13 and 31 are prime numbers. Both 13 and 31 are divisible by itself and 1 only
Also, on reversing the digits of 13, we get 31 which is also a prime number
37 and 73 = Both are prime numbers and on reversing 37 we get 73 which is also a prime number
79 and 97 = Both are prime numbers and on reversing 79 we get 97 which is also a prime number
Hence totally 4 such pairs exist upto 100
Learn more about Prime numbers
Difference between composite and co prime numbers
Set of even prime numbers from 1 to 50