the distance between kolkata & puri is 525 km. a train takes 7 hours to cover this distance. if that train starts at 10:30pm from Kolkata on 24th December 2029 , then write the time to reach an intermediate cuttack station which is 75 km away from puri station. please answer fast . i will give BRAINLIEST
Cuttack away from 75...i.e......525+75=600
to travel 525km----------7hrs
hope u get answer☺️
Distance between Kolkata & Puri = 525 km
Time taken by the train to cover this distance = 7 hours
Cuttack station is 75 km away from the Puri station, So Distance between kolkata and Cuttack station = 525 + 75 ⇒ 600 km
Now, Speed Of train = Distance Travelled / Time Taken
⇒ Speed = 525 / 7
⇒ Speed = 75 km/h
Now, Time taken by the train = Distance / speed
⇒ Time Taken = 600 / 75
⇒ Time Taken = 8 hours
Given, The train starts at 10:30 pm From kolkata on 24th December 2029 , So Time after arriving at the Cuttack station will be:
Hour : 10 + 8 ⇒ 18 or 6 am
So, Time will be 6:30 am, 25 December 2029
More Information :-
Speed :- Speed is the distance travelled per unit time. Which is equal to Distance / Time
◉ Distance = Speed × Time