the distance between two stations is 340 km . two trains start simultaneously from these stations on parallel tracks to cross each other . the speed of one train is greater than 5km of other. if the distance between the two trains after 2 hours of their start is 30km find the speed of both the trains
Step-by-step explanation:
Let r be the speed of first train.
And r+5 be the speed of other train.
The distance first train travels in 2 hours is =2r
The distance other train travels in 2 hours is (r+5)×2=2(r+5)
Now we know that the distance the first train travels (2r) plus the distance the other train travels 2(r+5) equals 340−30=310.
So, 2r+2(r+5)=310
Thus, speed of first train is 75 mph.
Therefore, the speed of other train is r+5=75+5=80 mph.
80 mph
Step-by-step explanation:
Let r be the speed of first train.
And r+5 be the speed of other train.
The distance first train travels in 2 hours is =2r
The distance other train travels in 2 hours is (r+5)×2=2(r+5)
Now we know that the distance the first train travels (2r) plus the distance the other train travels 2(r+5) equals 340−30=310.
So, 2r+2(r+5)=310
Thus, speed of first train is 75 mph.
Therefore, the speed of other train is r+5=75+5=80 mph.
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