The distance between two stations is 425 km. Two trains start simultaneously from these stations on parallel tracks to cross each other.The speed of one of them is greater than that the other by 5km/hr.If the distance between the two trains after 3 hrs. of their start is 20 km,find the speed of each train.Check your solution also.
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time t=2hr ; total distance =340 distance travel by both train =340−30=310km
let speed of train x and x+5respectively.
we know, speed =TimeDistance
distance travel by train 1 in 2hr is S=2x
distance travel by train 2 in 2hr is S2=2(x+5)=2x+10
distance travel by both the train in 2hr is S=2x+2x+10=4x+10=310
x=75 km/hr
x+5=75+5=80 km/hr
hence,the speed of each train is 75 km/hr and 80 km/hr.
hope u like
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time t=2hr ; total distance =340 distance travel by both train =340−30=310km
let speed of train x and x+5respectively.
we know, speed =TimeDistance
distance travel by train 1 in 2hr is S=2x
distance travel by train 2 in 2hr is S2=2(x+5)=2x+10
distance travel by both the train in 2hr is S=2x+2x+10=4x+10=310
x=75 km/hr
x+5=75+5=80 km/hr
hence,the speed of each train is 75 km/hr and 80 km/hr.
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