The distance of 62.5km between two A and D is represented on the map considered in Ourstion 11.What will be distance in cm on the map
The actual distance between A and C represented on the map as 7cm is 87.5 km
Step-by-step explanation:
In a map, a distance of 50km between two places A and B is represented by 4cm.
4cm = 50 km
Actual distance between A and D is 62.5km
So, Distance on Map between A and D :
50 km = 4 cm
1 km = \frac{4}{50} cm1km=504cm
So,62.5 km = \frac{4}{50} \times 62.5 = 5 cm62.5km=504×62.5=5cm
So, the distance between A and D is 5 cm on the map
Distance between A and C on map = 7 cm
So, Actual distance:
4cm = 50 km
\begin{gathered}1 cm = \frac{50}{4}\\7 cm = \frac{50}{4} \times 7=87.5km\end{gathered}1cm=4507cm=450×7=87.5km
So, the actual distance between A and C represented on the map
The actual distance between A and C represented on the map as 7cm is 87.5 km
Step-by-step explanation:
In a map, a distance of 50km between two places A and B is represented by 4cm.
4cm = 50 km
Actual distance between A and D is 62.5km
So, Distance on Map between A and D :
50 km = 4 cm
So, the distance between A and D is 5 cm on the map
Distance between A and C on map = 7 cm
So, Actual distance:
4cm = 50 km
So, the actual distance between A and C represented on the map as 7cm is 87.5 km