The distance that a signal's energy can travel in the time it takes for one cycle to occur is called the signal's:
The distance that a signal's energy can travel in the time it takes for one cycle to occur is called the signal's wavelength.
There are numerous technology choices for multiplexing more than one wavelength signals into the same fiber. A simple, to be had manner is to mix the signals from numerous transmitters through the usage of a star coupler observed through a power amplifier, which compensates for the splitting lack of the star coupler and boosts the power of the sign to permit lengthy span transmission. An extra elegant manner is to use a frequency-selective optical multiplexer with little loss primarily based totally upon a planar dispersive waveguide array design. This may be performed via a silica integrated-wave-manual tool fabricated with silicon-optical-bench (SiOB) era, wherein an array of phosphorousdoped SiO2 waveguides are deposited on a silicon substrates.