The documents related to the new monotory policy passed by the Governor of RBI on?
Answered by
1. Name and adders of the entity
2. Date of Preparing Voucher.
3. Accounting Voucher Number.
4. Title of the Account Debited.
5. Net Transaction Amount.
6. Narration (i.e., a brief description of the transaction).
7. Signature of the person who prepared it.
8. Signature of the authorised signatory of the organisation.
9. Supporting voucher number.
10. A document in new of supporting voucher.
2. Non-Cash Vouchers (Transfer Vouchers):
Non-cash Vouchers are vouchers prepared for the transitions that do not involve in flow or out flow of cash. For example, Debit Note, Credit Note, Bills etc. These are prepares when transitions such as credit sales, credit purchase etc are to be recorded.

Contents of Non-Cash Vouchers:
1. Name and address of entity.
2. Date of Preparing Voucher
3. Accounting Voucher no.
4. Title of Account debited/Credited
5. Net Transaction Amount
6. Narration (i.e. a brief description about the transaction)
7. Signature of person preparing it.
8. Signature of authorised signatory.
9. Supporting Voucher Number.
2. Date of Preparing Voucher.
3. Accounting Voucher Number.
4. Title of the Account Debited.
5. Net Transaction Amount.
6. Narration (i.e., a brief description of the transaction).
7. Signature of the person who prepared it.
8. Signature of the authorised signatory of the organisation.
9. Supporting voucher number.
10. A document in new of supporting voucher.
2. Non-Cash Vouchers (Transfer Vouchers):
Non-cash Vouchers are vouchers prepared for the transitions that do not involve in flow or out flow of cash. For example, Debit Note, Credit Note, Bills etc. These are prepares when transitions such as credit sales, credit purchase etc are to be recorded.

Contents of Non-Cash Vouchers:
1. Name and address of entity.
2. Date of Preparing Voucher
3. Accounting Voucher no.
4. Title of Account debited/Credited
5. Net Transaction Amount
6. Narration (i.e. a brief description about the transaction)
7. Signature of person preparing it.
8. Signature of authorised signatory.
9. Supporting Voucher Number.
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