The earth requires 24 hours for one rotation. In one hour, _________ longitudes will face the
2. To calculate the difference between the local times of any two places on the earth, ________
3. The difference between the local time of any two consecutive longitudes is __________
4. The earth rotates from _________________
5. As soon as the sun starts moving up in the sky after sunrise, ____________
6. In the regions ____________, the daytime could be more than 24 hours depending upon the
7. The name of a place as decided by the location of the sun in the sky is known as ________
8. The local time of a place on the earth’s surface is determined with reference to its _____ time.
9. Longitudes lying to the ______ of any longitude are ahead of the time.
10.The Indian Standard Time (IST) has been decided according to ______________
11.The difference in standard times of various countries is calculated with reference to ________
12.The Indian Standard Time is _________________ ahead of GMT.
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Every longitude will face rotation
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