The Education Minister recently conducted an online conference, interacted with children and
answered their various questions related to New Education Policy, Online Learning and COVID -19, etc.
You represented your region for the said program and interacted with him. Write your experience as a
diary entry in about 100-120 words.
Thursday, 18 February 2021
Dear Diary,
I want to share about the interview, I had with the education minister. Today, The Education Minister came to our school. We had arranged everything for the event. He came to inaugurate the new laboratory. My Principal selected me for conducting an interview with him.
I was called in the office. When I saw him, he looked very decent and humble person. I felt very nervous but gathering my strength I started the interview. I asked about his personal and childhood life. I told his childhood experiences. I was shocked to hear a few of them.
I asked him what is the goal of the government today? He simply gave an answer as to spread education. Further, he asked about ambition in life. I told him I want to become a scientist. He asked few related questions. I tried to answer
them. He felt very happy by listening to my
I also felt very happy and proud after meeting such a dignitary.
Bye for now. It's time to sleep Good night!
संवाद सहयोगी, खरखौदा: लोगों ने शहर के सामुदायिक स्वास्थ्य केंद्र (सीएचसी) में स्वास्थ्य सेवाएं बेहतर करने की मांग की है। लोगों ने प्रदेश के स्वास्थ्य मंत्री अनिल विज को पत्र लिख सीएचसी में सुविधाओं की मांग के साथ ही शहर में फल-फूल रहे नशे के कारोबार पर रोक लगाने की भी गुहार लगाई है। पत्र में लोगों ने दवा विक्रेताओं पर आरोप लगाया है कि दवा की दुकानों पर धड़ल्ले से नशे के इंजेक्शन और अन्य नशीली दवाई बेची जा रही हैं।
शहर के वार्ड-6 निवासी पूर्व मेजर रामफल मान सहित दिलबाग, अतरो देवी, धन ¨सह, रणबीर, नफे ¨सह व राजेंद्र आदि का कहना है कि खरखौदा में करोड़ों रुपये की लागत से सामुदायिक स्वास्थ्य केंद्र का निर्माण किया गया है, लेकिन सामुदायिक स्वास्थ्य केंद्र का सही ढंग से क्षेत्रवासियों को फायदा नहीं मिल पा रहा है। क्योंकि 50 बेड के अस्पताल के अनुसार यहां पर न तो चिकित्सक हैं ओर ना ही स्वास्थ्य उपकरण। जिसके चलते स्वास्थ्य मंत्री को पत्र लिखा गया है।