English, asked by swarittiger, 2 months ago

The elder brother said that by studying, they could never match their parents’ intelligence which had come from their experience of life. Explain. My Big brother


Answered by manjupjha2409


Geometry is a branch of mathematics that studies the sizes, shapes, positions angles and dimensions of things. Flat shapes like squares, circles, and triangles are a part of flat geometry and are called 2D shapes. These shapes have only 2 dimensions, the length and the width.

Answered by peermohamed54362


The story of My Elder Brother is about two brothers who have contrasting personalities and opinions. Over here, the younger brother is the narrator who tells us about life with his elder brother. The age difference between the brothers is five years and three grades. The story tells us about their lives and their relationship. It also tells us what the dynamics are between younger and older brothers. Moreover, it is a story that teaches us to listen to our elders. It states how no matter how equal we become with our elders; they will always have more experience. Therefore, it is not about the arrogance we as younger people should have. It is for giving them the respect they deserve. Further, it also gives a great lesson on not being too arrogant. So, we all must not be too overconfident and ensure to respect and listen to our elders.

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