The elephant is the only animal with a trunk. It uses its trunk in many ways. It
pulls leaves off trees with its trunk and then puts them into its mouth. It can
even use its trunk to pull up trees when it wants to make a path through the
jungle. It also uses its trunk to get water. The trunk can hold a lot of water, as
an elephant needs to drink more than three hundred pints of water every day.
When an elephant is angry, its tusks can be very dangerous. The tusks of an
elephant are really its front teeth. People pay a lot of money for ivory of an
elephant’s tusks. In Africa men hunt elephants for their tusks. The ivory from
the tusks is made into many beautiful things.
It has been easy for men to train elephants in Asia. They use them to carry
heavy things for long distances.
Many people say that the kings of Siam used to give white elephant to people
they didn’t like. These white elephants were sacred and couldn’t be made to
work. They could not be killed or given away. A person who owned a white
elephant had to pay a lot of money to keep it properly. After a certain time, he
usually became very poor
Choose the most appropriate option out of the following
i. Which body part is most useful to the elephant?
a. Its tail
b. Its tusks
c. Its trunk
d. Its body
ii. Which types of elephants are desirable?
a. Working elephants
b. Black elephants
c. White elephants
1 answer it's trunk
2answer is working elephants
(i)- option(c.) Its trunk
(ii)- option(c.) White elephants
(i)- The elephant is a big and strong animal. Its 'trunk' is the most useful part of the body. It uses its trunk in many ways. It can use trunk to pull up trees. It also uses its trunk to get water. Elephants love to sprinkle water from their trunks on their body while bathing.
(ii)- White elephants are very desirable. Thailand is called the ' the land of white elephants'. The elephant is the national symbol of the country. The white elephants are also known as 'albino elephants'. Their skin colour is soft-reddish brown. It turns into pink, when they are wet. The kings of Siam used to give white elephants as rewards and gifts to the people.
a. For its meat
b. For its hide
c. For its tusks
d. For its bones
iv. Why did people not put white elephants to work?
a. They are defiant by nature
b. They are considered sacred
c. They eat a lot
d. They are lazy
v. The expression ‘a white elephant’ now means:
a. Something sacred
b. A useful thing or person
c. A useless thing or person
d. A working elephant