The essay of Women in modern India
Our Indian sub-continent is gradually emerging as a powerful land since women began playing significant role for the development of the nation. Role of woman in modern India can be called as phenomenal.The transition of woman from the past to present is worth mentioning. Woman who once considered being the masters in the art of home making are now considered to be the forces that shape a country.
“The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.” -Albert Einstein
There was a time when women were just kitchen keepers and house keepers in the Indian society. Gradually women began to get educated, even highly educated and a stage came when some of them came out on the social and political field to rub shoulder with the men folk in these fields. The freedom struggle of India was the opening up of the new horizon for womanhood in India. In modern India, women have adorned high offices including that of the President, Prime minister, Speaker of the Lok Sabha, etc.
There was a time when women were just the kitchen keepers and the house keepers in the Indian society. That was treated as the only field for their activity.
Rearing children, cooking meals for the large joint family, or at best in their spare time doing some tailoring or knitting, but all within the four walls of the house — this was considered to be their only way of life.
Gradually women began to get educated, even highly educated, and a stage came when some of them came out on the social and political field to rub shoulder with the men folk in these fields. In the freedom struggle of India, there are notable names of women who took an active part in the different movements and even reached the top. This was the opening up of the new horizon for womanhood in India.
As of today women are found to be working in all fields and they are distinguishing themselves in those fields. For the middle class families, choosing a career for women has also become necessary. If they are duly qualified, they do want to be using their talents to seek an employment and be a support earner to their husbands. There is the social scenario that has also necessitated it.