English, asked by psycho4533, 1 month ago

The Essay One World: One
Culture? is co authored by?
3 writers
6 writers2 writers
5 writers​


Answered by young08justice


               Summarizing one world: one culture?    

 The article “one world: one culture?” was written in 2013 by three authorswho were Pakenham, Mclntire, and Williams. Firstly, the authors introduced thetopic by showing out two main factors which caused culture change. The twofactors were immigration and globalization. Secondly, they gave evidence of howglobalization affected culture such as cultural leveling. Also, cultural levelingcaused some pros such as getting new cultures to strength their own uniquecharacteristics. Besides, there are still some cons from cultural leveling. In thethird part of the article, it talked about how globalization affected India, whichwas influenced deeply in their culture, economy, and clothes. There were also twoarguments that did globalization bring advantages or not. It seems thatglobalization was a bad influence on them. On the other hand, American mediawas a representative for globalization which dominated other countries. Therewas also a conflict between the citizen and the leadership who were trying toprevent the attack of American culture. After all, the human demand on thiswestern culture won by the fact that movies and music production from the USAwere being spread out all over the world.

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