The evil of drug addiction
Drug-addiction is becoming very common among our youth. Evil is more rampant in big cities than in small towns. Perhaps the youth finds this life too tiring and burdensome, and as an escape from it, they take to drugs. Now, look what happens. Very often, love and fun and new thrills make the beginning. Sometimes parents themselves become the cause of pushing their children into this evil. They are too strict or have no time to look after them. The young ones feel neglected. It may also be that they find their education purposeless. In most cases, parents lay high hopes on their sons and daughters. They use bitter words when their wards fall short of their expectations. Even those who do well in their studies are not able to get any good jobs. It leads to bitter disappointment. They discover that all their education has been useless and purposeless. Finding themselves faced with a hostile and indifferent world the helpless youth take to drugs. By this, they seem to forget their problems and miseries, at least for some time. They little realize that by doing so they are inviting their own doom.
Drug Addiction
Drug addiction has become a world-wide abuse in the modern era. Drug means a habit forming substance, if taken, induces pleasure or excitement and sleep or producers insensibility.
Thousands of men and billion of dollars are involved in drug trafficking. That is why, it is so difficult to keep it under control. Drugs are smuggled from Pakistan, Burma, Afghanistan and Hong Kong and many countries of Latin America.
Drug is generally prepared from opium, in which other substances and chemicals are added. This toxicating evil is introduced in the market under such names as LSD,Heroin,Cocaine,Charas etc.
When a drug is taken for the first time,it stimulates the pleasure centres of the brain. It is taken for the sake of pleasure that most users first get accustomed to it. It lets them forget pain, sorrow, insult and other worldly sufferings. Drug is taken in various forms. It may be taken through injection or smoking. It may be chewed and swallowed.
Drug also affects the Kidneys and the brain. It attacks The Nervous System. It causes lots of appetite, brings drowsiness all the time and saps one's strength and stamina. Besides ruining an addict morally, it also affects him physically and psychologically.
These are certain ways of dealing with drug addiction. The government must use the media to propagate against the habit of drug addiction. Voluntary organisations should pay excessive attention to instruct addicts how to give up the vice and to bring them to the mainstream of public live without shame or sorrow.