English, asked by shabinak599, 7 months ago

The experience had a deep meaning for me as only those who have known stark terror and conquered it can appreciate.In death there is peace. There is terror only in the fear of death as Roosevelt knew when he said "All we have to fear is fear itself
(i) Experience the narrator mentioned is --- 1
(ii) stark terror and conquered it 1
(iii) Fear became aforce for the author
(iv) The narrator won over his of death
by conquering it 1


Answered by upenderjoshi28

(i) The experience of drowning at the YMCA pool.

(ii) The stark terror here refers to the extreme fear and terror that the narrator had felt while trying to save himself from drowning. However, the narrator had not been successful in it. The experience had instilled deep fear of water in his heart.

Later on he conquered that fear through perseverance and strong will.

(iii) The author resolved to overcome his hydrophobia. He hired a swimming coach and learnt swimming skills from him. If the author had not that fear, he would never been able to overcome it.

(iv) By conquering his fear of water he conquered his fear of death.

Answered by Anisha5119


Heya mate here's the answer Mark as brainliest pleaseeeeee follow

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