The expression 20%3 gives the
output ..............
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Operators and expressions
In Python most of the lines you will write will be expressions. Expressions are made of operators and operands. An expression is like 2 + 3 .
Operators are the symbols which tells the Python interpreter to do some mathematical or logical operation. Few basic examples of mathematical operators are given below:
>>> 2 + 3
>>> 23 - 3
>>> 22.0 / 12
To get floating result you need to the division using any of operand as floating number. To do modulo operation use % operator
>>> 14 % 3
Example of integer arithmetic
The code
#!/usr/bin/env python3
days = int(input("Enter days: "))
months = days / 30
days = days % 30
print("Months = %d Days = %d" % (months, days))
The output
$ ./
Enter days: 265
Months = 8 Days = 25
In the first line I am taking the input of days, then getting the months and days and at last printing them. You can do it in a easy way
#!/usr/bin/env python3
days = int(input("Enter days: "))
print("Months = %d Days = %d" % (divmod(days, 30)))
The divmod(num1, num2) function returns two values , first is the division of num1 and num2 and in second the modulo of num1 and num2.
Relational Operators
You can use the following operators as relational operators
Relational Operators
Operator Meaning
< Is less than
<= Is less than or equal to
> Is greater than
>= Is greater than or equal to
== Is equal to
!= Is not equal to
Some examples
>>> 1 < 2
>>> 3 > 34
>>> 23 == 45
>>> 34 != 323
// operator gives the floor division result
>>> 4.0 // 3
>>> 4.0 / 3
Logical Operators
To do logical AND , OR we use and ,*or* keywords. x and y returns False if x is False else it returns evaluation of y. If x is True, it returns True.
>>> 1 and 4
>>> 1 or 4
>>> -1 or 4
>>> 0 or 4
Shorthand Operator
x op = expression is the syntax for shorthand operators. It will be evaluated like x = x op expression , Few examples are
>>> a = 12
>>> a += 13
>>> a
>>> a /= 3
>>> a
>>> a += (26 * 32)
>>> a
840.3333333333334 example
#!/usr/bin/env python3
N = 100
a = 2
while a < N:
print("%d" % a)
a *= a
The output
$ ./
Generally while writing expressions we put spaces before and after every operator so that the code becomes clearer to read, like
a = 234 * (45 - 56.0 / 34)
One example code used to show expressions
#!/usr/bin/env python3
a = 9
b = 12
c = 3
x = a - b / 3 + c * 2 - 1
y = a - b / (3 + c) * (2 - 1)
z = a - (b / (3 + c) * 2) - 1
print("X = ", x)
print("Y = ", y)
print("Z = ", z)
The output
$ ./
X = 10
Y = 7
Z = 4
At first x is being calculated. The steps are like this
9 - 12 / 3 + 3 * 2 -1
9 - 4 + 3 * 2 - 1
9 - 4 + 6 - 1
5 + 6 - 1
11 - 1
Now for y and z we have parentheses, so the expressions evaluated in different way. Do the calculation yourself to check them.
Type Conversions
We have to do the type conversions manually. Like
float(string) -> float value
int(string) -> integer value
str(integer) or str(float) -> string representation
>>> a = 8.126768
>>> str(a)
This is a program to evaluate 1/x+1/(x+1)+1/(x+2)+ … +1/n series upto n, in our case x = 1 and n =10
#!/usr/bin/env python3
sum = 0.0
for i in range(1, 11):
sum += 1.0 / i
print("%2d %6.4f" % (i , sum))
The output
$ ./
1 1.0000
2 1.5000
3 1.8333
4 2.0833
5 2.2833
6 2.4500
7 2.5929
8 2.7179
9 2.8290
10 2.9290
In the line sum += 1.0 / i what is actually happening is sum = sum + 1.0 / i.
This is a program to evaluate the quadratic equation
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import math
a = int(input("Enter value of a: "))
b = int(input("Enter value of b: "))
c = int(input("Enter value of c: "))
d = b * b - 4 * a * c
if d < 0:
print("ROOTS are imaginary")
root1 = (-b + math.sqrt(d)) / (2.0 * a)
root2 = (-b - math.sqrt(d)) / (2.0 * a)
print("Root 1 = ", root1)
print("Root 2 = ", root2)
In this example we are going to calculate the salary of a camera salesman. His basic salary is 1500, for every camera he will sell he will get 200 and the commission on the month’s sale is 2 %. The input will be number of cameras sold and total price of the cameras.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
basic_salary = 1500
bonus_rate = 200
commision_rate = 0.02
numberofcamera = int(input("Enter the number of inputs sold: "))
price = float(input("Enter the total prices: "))
bonus = (bonus_rate * numberofcamera)
commision = (commision_rate * numberofcamera * price)
print("Bonus = %6.2f" % bonus)
print("Commision = %6.2f" % commision)
print("Gross salary = %6.2f" % (basic_salary + bonus + commision))
The output
$ ./
Enter the number of inputs sold: 5
Enter the total prices: 20450
Bonus = 1000.00
Commision = 2045.00
Gross salary = 4545.00
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The remainder is provided by a modulus operator. In other words, 22 percent of 3 gives the remaining, or 1,
The modulo operator is the term used in computer programming to refer to the percent sign.
Both integers as well as floating point numbers can use the modulus operator.
Only variables of the integer type may be utilised with Java's modulus operator (percent). Both floating-point and integer types can be utilised with the modulus operator (percent). It gives back the leftovers from a division operation. If you need to perform a modulo operation on a huge number, you can try long long int(64bits). If the data range is still greater than 64 bits, you must store the data in a string and perform the modulo operation computer algorithms.