Science, asked by yashjumale, 3 months ago

The external ear

which we see is known as ……(i)……. This

part collects the sound and sends it to

the auditory canal. The sound in the

form of compressions and rarefactions

reaches the ……(ii)………, and it begins to

vibrate. The vibrations are amplified

several times by three bones : the

hammer, ..........(iii)……….. and stirrup.

The amplified vibration and then

transmitted to the …..(iv)……., which

converts them into electric signals.

These electric signals are sent to the

brain via the auditory nerve, and the

brain interprets them as sound.

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

1) Cochlea Ear drum Pinna Anvil

2) Ear drum Anvil Cochlea Pinna

3) Pinna Ear drum Cochlea Anvil

4) Pinna Ear drum Anvil Cochlea​


Answered by Anonymous



The external ear which we see is known as PINNA This .part collects the sound and sends it to the auditory canal. The sound in the form of compressions and rarefactions reaches the EAR DRUM, and it begins to vibrate. The vibrations are amplified several times by three bones : the hammer, ANVIL and stirrup. The amplified vibration and then transmitted to the COCHLEA, which converts them into electric signals. These electric signals are sent to the brain via the auditory nerve, and the brain interprets them as sound.

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