The eyes are the windows to the soul' is an expression that is often used to describe the deep connection one feels when looking into another's eyes. However, like windows, the eyes work both ways. They are not only important in seeing into another person's soul, but they are also vital in how we view the world around us. Sight and vision are important because they allow us to connect witn our surroundingS, keep us safe and help to maintain the sharpness of our minds. Hence, keeping a clear eyesight is of vital importance. For lasting and clear preventive measures i.e., a continuous eyesight, eyes need care in the torm of life-long exercise. Eyes don't just see, they do the talking. This is why of all our senses, the most precious is eyesight. Eyes need care in the form of prevention knowing and some preventive methods in eye care can make your eyes look bright and you with healthy and leave an excellent eyesight. 2. How do we keep eyes bright and healthy? Eat good servings of acids, vegetables, fruits, omega-3, tatty beta carotenes with vitamins A, C and E, enjoy good sleep and avoid direct good habits and sunlight. Therefore, good general health care does play a major role in eye care. Eyes human are windows to the body; while you look out through this window, the eye doctors can look in to find conditions such as glaucoma, abnormal blood pressures, diabetes, heart diseases and other health concerns much before you notice its adverse impact and help you to take preventive measures. 3. It is never too early to begin eye check-ups. Throw torchlight from different directions and look for fixation in new-borns and if in doubt, take the baby to an eye specialist. By the time a child is four, it is imperative to have a check-up every year. Check-ups are necessary to look for squint, signs of opacity brought in by cataracts and minus or plus powers to decide whether or not glasses are needed. Ultraviolet-protective sunglasses from childhood can help to protect eyes from the harmful UV rays. In the teens, contact lense
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